Ekphrastic Poem Set 1

 A Journey

All art by Matt Rhodes

A Pause

I’m lost among life I watch from the feet of a tree

Barely seen among the greenery as life tangles with the water

surrounded by trees older than this age and reveals a way for me.

and a leisurely twisting river

an escape? I cannot tell.

a layer of mossy life covers all but forwards is all that remains

a blanket for the forest, until I can find the true way out

pillows of grass, to where I am not swallowed by life,

curtains of vines.

perhaps someday I will call it home.

A waking dream to stand here,

a single silent breath overcome,

and I all alone wonder

where am I to go next?

home is not here, ‘tis too long gone

An Edge

I can see for leagues

but closer than I guessed

nearer than I hoped

the horizon gleams red

a bad omen for this place

this place of stone towers and secrets

lost lore carved into the land

steps hewn for feet before mine

with skies so wide one could fall up

filled with clouds surely more distant

yet I must go that way

before the foulness meets me unprepared

like an unseen storm

I must meet it before it devours me.

but what is beyond this place?

A Light

Days, weeks, months

time always spins by, so much spent

as if coin in a rich market

not knowing full cost until reckoned.

oh, but the prize is more than worthy!

this golden dawn over rising peaks,

morning dew turns to fiery mist,

light streams across land, until meeting towers proud

this dawn brings hope, brings life,

endless chances, possibilities beyond my eyes.

And with it the final end of my quest,

an ache for a place which used to be mine

here, distant and drawing close

here I have built my own

here is the refuge of my escape

here, I somehow came alive.

and as for the rest of my steps

such shall be spent gathering and protecting

a gasp of light so long sought

I shall arrive and find overflowing tasks all wanting.


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